Paul Rader y el Chicago Gospel Tabernacle
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Paul Rader and the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle
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El Tabernáculo Chicago Gospel, en esos días, era una iglesia muy poco usual. Estaba dirigido por Paul Rader, un evangelista que usaba música popular, dramas y panfletos impresos para hacer atractivo el Evangelio. Rader comenzó a usar la radio con regularidad en 1922 y se lo ha considerado el primer difusor religioso. Clarence Jones era responsable de muchos y diferentes ministerios en el Tabernáculo, lo cual incluía la estación de radio WJBT- Donde Jesús Bendice a Miles.
El Tabernáculo Chicago Gospel se cerró muy poco después de una década de ministerio, pero Paul Rader inspiró y fue mentor de muchos jóvenes y dejó un ministerio de legado eterno.
Clarence Jones – HCJB
Peter Deyneka – Slavic Gospel Association
Howard Ferrin – Providence Bible Institute
Paul Fleming – New Tribes Missions
Charles Fuller – Fuller Theological Seminary
Torrey Johnson – Youth for Christ
Lance Latham – AWANA
Oswald J. Smith – People’s Church of Toronto
The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle was an unusual church for its day. It was led by Paul Rader, an evangelist who used popular music, dramas and printed leaflets to attract people to the gospel. Rader began using radio regularly in 1922 and is considered the first religious broadcaster. Clarence Jones was responsible for many different ministries at the Tabernacle including radio station WJBT – Where Jesus Blesses Thousands.
The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle was closed after little more than a decade of ministry. But Paul Rader inspired and mentored many young people, leaving an eternal legacy of ministry.
Clarence Jones – HCJB
Peter Deyneka – Slavic Gospel Association
Howard Ferrin – Providence Bible Institute
Paul Fleming – New Tribes Missions
Charles Fuller – Fuller Theological Seminary
Torrey Johnson – Youth for Christ
Lance Latham – AWANA
Oswald J. Smith – People’s Church of Toronto