Asistencia Integral para las Personas
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Treating the Whole Person
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Los pacientes que vienen al hospital precisan de atención médica y espiritual. El personal médico de HCJB sabe que Dios es, en definitiva, el que sana de forma completa.
En todo el hospital, capellanes como el Pastor Gustavo Molina, visitan y oran con los pacientes. Gustavo empezó su ministerio en el Hospital en 1958. Todas las mañanas le pide a Dios que le revele a quién ha de guiar hacia Él. Como resultado, Gustavo ha servido para traer eterna curación espiritual a miles de pacientes junto con sus familias.
Patients who come to the hospital need both medical and spiritual care. HCJB’ s medical staff understands that it is God who ultimately heals people both physically and spiritually.
Throughout the hospital, chaplains like Pastor Gustavo Molina visit and pray with patients. Gustavo began ministering at the hospital in 1958. He prays each morning that God would show him whom he should help lead to the Lord. As a result, Gustavo has helped bring eternal spiritual healing to thousands of patients and their families.